We have dealt elsewhere with the reception of the news
by the Allies in general, and by our own people in partioular. Here we can only say that it is summed up in the slang phrase: " Thanks, we aren't takin' any." But though the British instinct is to treat these unreal and theatrical overtures with contempt and to make no reply, we hope the Government will not maintain com- plete silence, but will give the answer we have suggested—will tell the Germans that if they will consent to the principle of Reparation for their evil deeds, we will talk to them, but on no other considera- tion. That will help to make the world at large realize our irre- vocable determination. Every one of the Allies is already at heart pledged beyond all possibility of turning back to the exaction of reparation, but as yet the world does not recognize this. Germany's plea for peace negotiations gives us just the opportunity we need of stating this plainly to all the nations of the earth.