The Volunteers.
(To THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—You have always taken a practical interest in the Volunteer movement. May I direct your attention to and ask your views on a practical......
" The Salute."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Stn, — I think the enclosed, just received, will interest you, first as showing the world-permeating reach and influence of your valued......
"wesley College, Melbourne, October 31st.
DEAR SIR, —A friend has drawn my attention to your letter in the Spectator of September 2nd giving the words of 'The Salute.' The verses are by Mr. Frank Ellis, and were......
Ito The Editor Or The " Sp-ctator.") Sin,—few Scholars Would
be disposed to admit the astounding view that sensus communis, in the passage misquoted in a letter of last Saturday's issue, from the Eighth Satire of Juvenal, has any point of......
National Concord.
(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—Can you find room for a few words on an interesting coincidence which happened to-day? I was beguiling the tedium of a railway journey......
Germans In A.d. 277 And In A.d. 1873. (to The
EDITOR. Or THE " SPECTATOR.") SIR,—The following scraps from recent reading may be of interest :— " Since the expedition of Maximin, the Roman generals had confined their......
Regiment In The Streets Of London Wearing The Khaki...
bonnet, in which was stuck a jaunty tuft of feathers, I turned to the A rmy List to see who they were. From the Army List of April last I gathered that the 85th was a regiment......
"communis Sensus."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Snt,—Your correspondent "H." is an enterprising translator, but he does not verify his references. It was Juvenal, not Horace, who said: "......
Employment After The War. [to Me Editor Op The "
SPECTATOR."] Sia,—With reference to the announcement in your columns of the 9th inst. of the ioint proposals for the regulation of employment after the war, subscribed to by......