"Wesley College, Melbourne, October 31st.
DEAR SIR, —A friend has drawn my attention to your letter in the Spectator of September 2nd giving the words of 'The Salute.' The verses are by Mr. Frank Ellis, and were originally published in the Graphic of January 16th, 1915. With the kind permissiox of the Graphic and of Mr. Frank Ellis I set the words to music for inclusion in the Wesley College Song Book. Since then it has been sung by a number of the State schools in Victoria, and the words have become widely popular. Thinking you might be intereseed, I enclose a copy of the music, and also a copy of Mr. Frank Ellis's 'Somewhere in France,' which he sent to us for the School Song Book if we chose to set it to music. Wesley College has six hundred and seventy-five of its Old Boys en service. I think we are the only Public School south of the line which has a Song Book of its own, and since the war began we have made tunes for about a dozen or so of the best sets of words that have been published from time to time in the English magazines.—I am, yours faithfully,
L. A. ADAMSON, Head-Master."