My Life And Work. By Edmund Knowles Muspratt. (john Lane.
7s. 61 net.)—Mr. Muspratt is well known in Liverpool as a good citizen, with a keen interest in higher education, art, and other worthy causes. He is known morn widely as a......
Some Books Of The Week.
[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsequent review.] the Trinity registers from 1548, when the College was founded by Henry VIII. The pious task has been......
'twixt The Old And The New : A Study In
the Life and Times of John Henry Cardinal Newman. By the Rev. W. Eseott Bless. (S.P.C.K. 5s. net.)—This is a well-written and synlpathetio study of Newinan's life as viewed from......
The Black Princess, And Other Fairy Tales From Brasil....
from the Portuguese of "Chrysantheme" by Christie T. Young. Illus- trated by Florence M. Anderson. (Simpkin, Marshall, and Co. Os. net.)— Though most of these tales are suitable......
Gift - Books.
SOME BOOKS FOR LITTLE CHILDREN.t Nursery Rhymes of London Town' is a fascinating little book of verses. They have the authentio rhythm and- swing of " the old ago," and are......
Winters Pie (la Net) Is, As Usual, An Entertaining...
of light articles, verse, and comic drawings, which should bring considerable profit to the funds of the printers' and newspaper charities on behalf of which it is published.......
Our Hospital A.b.o. Pictures By Joyce Denny". Verses By...
Gordon and M. S. Tindall. (John Lane. 3s. 6d. net.)—This will amuse people who know something of V.A.D. work. The pictures and rhymes are clever, and besides being full of fun,......
Paton's List Of Schools And Tutors. (j. And J. Paton.
2s.)—This well-known handbook for parents making a choice of schools has reached its nineteenth annual edition. It includes schools for both girls and boys, and gives much......