Not very much trustworthy news has come from Athens during
the week, as the cables are now in the hands of the Royalists. But it is plain from the stories of refugees arriving at the Piraeus that large numbers of Venizelists who were seized are still, im- prisoned, even if they are not being persecuted or killed. Moreover it is said that considerable movements of Greek troops are taking place. The Allies, however, have declared a blockade, which began on December Sth, and as Greece is dependent upon her oversee trade and supplies, the due effect of the pressure may be looked for very soon. We note that the Greek Charge d'Affaires in Paris has expressed to the French Government the regret of King,Constantine for the recent events at Athens. Another item of news is to the effect that Admiral du Fournot has been superseded in command of the Allied Fleet by Admiral Gauchet,