It will suffice to enumerate some few points of interest
in the Test of the foreign news. Russia has assembled a large army on the frontiers of Cracow and Austrian Gallicia ; and Austria shows a watchful alarm. Wallachia and the other Christian provinces of Eastern Europe have evinced much dismay at the extinction of the remains of Poland. Switzerland exhibits new religious 'feuds ; the Catholic Canton of Fribourg having been attacked by free corps from Vaud. In Italy, the Pope continues his social reforms ; displays a personal activity most unusual in wearers of the tiara; and is already at issue with Austria on a point of ecclesiastical privilege, in which he happens to have the con- servative side. In Spain, the Government have partially receded from its assault on Seiior Olozaga; who, while travelling to take his seat in the Cortes, had been imprisoned on the old charge of coercing Queen Isabella : he is to be sent back to France. The Portuguese insurrection is dying out. From America we have s..ris that Mr. Polk is beginning to find the responsibilities of a War President too much for his strength.