It Will Suffice To Enumerate Some Few Points Of Interest
in the Test of the foreign news. Russia has assembled a large army on the frontiers of Cracow and Austrian Gallicia ; and Austria shows a watchful alarm. Wallachia and the other......
Cbt Eourt.
Tux Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal Family, have spent a whole week-at Claremont. They returned to Windsor on Thursday afternoon. Lord John Russell visited her Majesty while......
Last Monday, being Plough Monday, a Court of Aldermen was held for receiving the presentments of the several Ward inquests, and for swearing lit the constables. A presentment......
The Speech Of King Louis Philippe; On Opening The Oren&
Chambers, judged by the general standard of royal speeches, is not a very satisfactory indication as to the state of official feeling in France. The hackneyed assurances of......