16 JANUARY 1847, page 8

The Usual Notice Has Been Issued From The Lord Chamberlain's

office touching the reservation of places in the House of Lords for Peeresses on the opening of Parliament. Experiments have recently been made at the Excise-office, under......

East India Shipping.

AartivErt — at Gravesend, 11th Jan. Lucknow. Lea, from Calcutta ; 12th, Bangalore, Aylon ; and Hugh Walker, Cameron, from China, and Plantagenet, Bird, from Calcut- ta ; and......


Parliament met, pro Jot-m8, on Tuesday, and was further prorogued lust- the 19th instant; then to meet for the despatch of business. Cabinet Councils were held on Wednesday......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The general meeting of landowners convened by the Reproductive Em- ployment Committee, and held at the Dublin Rotunda on Thursday, ex- ceeded all expectation in......