The Registrar-General has commenced this week to publish returns from
what he calls " Greater London." Hitherto he has only given the " London" ruled over by the Metropolitan Board, which contains 3,445,160 persons, but in future he will also give " Greater London," including the whole of the Metropolitan Police District, and this contains 4,207,167, "of whom 762,007 live in the Outer Ring." The total annual rate of mortality over this great area, with its 698 square miles, is 34 per 1,000, the ratio varying apparently with the density of population till in the Outer Ring it is only 29. This was last week, when the annual rate of deaths in Manchester was 49 per 1,000, and in Norwich 31. In Paris the rate was 24, in Berlin 28, in Amsterdam 38, and in Calcutta 37.