The Turks, Who Have Lately Re-established Their Old...
Arabia; have, as usual, made themselves so detested that the tribes are in insurrection. According to the Cologne Gazette, the Turkish Governor-General is hard pressed in Yemen,......
Mr. Fawcett Made An Excellent Speech On Education On Monday
in taking the chair at the opening of the new Board Schools in Turin Street, Bethnal Green. He pointed out the wrong inflicted on the towns by leaving the rural districts......
The Times Of Tuesday Declared That It Had Reason To
believe that Prince Bismarck has intimated to the new Government of Spain that the German Government will delay its recognition of Alphonso XII tall the decree suspending the......
The Calcutta Correspondent Of The Times States That The...
of India intend to recommend the Secretary of State not to appoint a military officer as Minister of Public Works, thinking the military element in the Council strong enough.......
Not So, However, The Daily News, Which, In A Singularly
acrid article on Mr. Trevelyan's speech, taunts him with not being content " with the comparatively humble functions of prompter on the political theatre and merely whispering......
Lord Northbrook Has Terminated The Reign Of Mulharrao,...
of Baroda. An investigation, conducted by Sir Lewis Pelly and Mr. Soutar, Superintendent of Police in Bombay, showed grounds for suspecting that the Guicowar was implicated in......
President Grant Has Forwarded A Message To Congress...
his action in Louisiana on the ground that we supposed he would take. He declares that lawlessness and bloodshed have characterised the State ever since its reorganisation ;......
The Old Second-class Passengers By The Midland Railway Do...
seem contented at all with the new arrangements. They say that although they can go first-class for second-class price—and there seems to be some doubt even about that, which......