An Approaching Total Solar Eclipse.
A N important total Solar Eclipse will occur on April 5.. Unfortunately, the path of total shadow lies for the most part on the Indian Ocean, and the totality will last longest......
Letters To The Editor.
LAY REPRESENTATION. rTO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Whether I have shown "quaint impatience" and "serene indifference," whether Dr. Trevor did or did not sneer and lay......
(to The Editor Of The 'spectator."] Sir,—will You Kindly...
me to correct a rather grave mis- print in my short letter of last week ? I am made to say, " We do not advocate the admission of the laity to the Church's Councils, &c. What I......
Church Prospects.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Srn,—It is, no doubt, true, as you point out in your criticism of Mr. Llewelyn Davies's article on " Church Prospects," that the Public......