[To Tore EDrrOR or roe .BeDOTATOIC"1
SLE,—I send you a rough translation of a Credo by M. Henri Lavedan, of the French Academy, which seems to me to express the spirit of that new France which is our ally
"I believe in the courage of our soldiers and the skill and devotion of our leaders. I believe in the power of right, in the crusade of civilisation, in France, the eternal, the imperishable, the essential. I believe in the reward of suffering, and the worth of hope. I believe in confidence, in quiet thought, in the bumble daily round, in discipline, in charity militant I believe in the blood of wounds and the water of benediction; in the blase of artillery and the flame of the votive candle ; in the beads of Use rosary. I believe in the hallowed vows of the old and in the potent innocence of children. I believe in women's prayers, in the sleepless heroism of the wife, in the calm piety of the mother, in the purity of our canoe, in the stainless glory of our flag. I believe in our great past, in our great present, in our greater future. I believe in our countrymen, both the living and the dead. I believe in the hands clenched for battle and in the hands chirped for prayer. I believe in ourselves. I believe in God. I believe, I believe."