Dignity And Domestic Service.
[To TH. EDITOR Or TOM "EirrCT■708.1 Sra,—The Spectator has reached the servants' hall, and need I any that we who are fortunate enough to read that journal are greatly......
A French Credo.
[To Tore EDrrOR or roe .BeDOTATOIC"1 SLE,—I send you a rough translation of a Credo by M. Henri Lavedan, of the French Academy, which seems to me to express the spirit of that......
Mr. Bonar Law's "example."
[To Tea EINS01 or Ter BexeraToo.."] SIR.—I notice that in the last number of the Spectator you are at pains to dissociate yourselves from the attitude of the editor of the......
The Resignation Of Dr. Loge.
LT. res Eorrox Or 787. 4 13113OLATOL, Sin,—Perhaps you will be willing, even at a time when the war occupies all our thoughts, to give space for mention of a domestic event......