We Deeply Regret To Record A Terrible Earthquake In Italy.
It is estimated that twelve thousand persons have been killed and twenty thousand injured. But for the preoccupation of the war, the consternation aroused throughout the world......
Sir Edward Grey Draws Attention To The Fact, For Instance,
that the exports from New York, which amounted to 92,772,000 in November, 1913, rose to $21,000,000 in November, 1914. These figures do not include cotton, but we have been......
Lord Hardinge In His Speech At The Reopening Of The
Legislative Council at Delhi on Tuesday dwelt upon the manner in which the war had been brought about and Turkey had been dragged in. For Turkey it was an unneces- sary and......
President Wilson, Speaking At Indianapolis, Has Said,...
Times, that Mexico ought to be free to misgovern herself in her own way :— " Have not the European nations taken as long as they wanted and spilt as much blood as they pleased......
We Had Not Space To Mention Last Week The Fifth
Report of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service, which deals with the Diplomatic and Consular Services and the Foreign Office. The Report recommends the abolition of the......
The Washington Correspondent Of The Morning Post Says In...
paper that the ' Dacia' will shortly sail from Galveston for Bremen. The owner has obtained American insurance on both vessel and cargo. The American Govern- ment are said fully......
On Tuesday The Daily Telegraph Published The Report Of An
interesting conversation between Bismarck and Mr. Beatty Kingston which took place in September, 1867. Mr. Kingston sent home two reports, one for publication and one private.......
The Accusations That The Germans Have Used Civilians As A
protective screen in some of their advances bear so familiar a resemblance to accusations which could not be proved in other wars that we confess we were disinclined to believe......
Bank Hate, 5 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
dug. 8th.......