President Wilson, speaking at Indianapolis, has said, according to the
Times, that Mexico ought to be free to misgovern herself in her own way :—
" Have not the European nations taken as long as they wanted and spilt as much blood as they pleased in settling their affairs, and shall we deny that to Mexico bemuse she is weak? No, I say. I am proud to belong to a great nation that says 'This country which we could crush shall have just as much freedom in her own affairs as we have.'"
This is surely an astonishing development of Mr. Wilson's Mexican policy, and we do not wonder that it has caused some consternation. Mr. Wilson has always claimed the right to refuse to recognize a " bloodstained " Government, and be intervened in Mexico to assert that principle. General Hearts was picked out for a special ban, though many shrewd observers thought him rather less bloodstained than his rivals. And he certainly comported himself with a certain correctness. But now that the bloodstained " Constitntionalists " are subjecting Mexico to a Terror Mr. Wilson suddenly washes his hands of the whole business.