Lord Selborne went On to ask whether the Government were
satisfied that continuous strategic co-operation was being ensured between the armies of the east and the west, and between the fleets and the armies ; whether the technical problems of the peculiar conditions of modern warfare were being scientifically studied ; and whether the Government had seriously considered how the necessary men were to be pro. vided—in fine, whether they contemplated compulsion. Lord Haldane said that the task before us was tremendous. It would require all the energies of the nation, and it was the duty of every Englishman to put everything he possessed, and everything he held dearest, into the scale. In producing materials of war a great volume of talent bad been put at the disposal of the Government and the progress was remarkable. The new Universities as well as the old had turned their attention to technical problems. Explosives, arms, and equipment were all being turned out much faster than before.