A Year in Portugal. By George Burley Loring, M.D. (G.
P. Putnam's Sons.)—Dr. Loring spent a year as representative of the United States in Lisbon. He is a firm believer in the Consti- tution of his country, and views other countries from that platform. He is not other than kindly-disposed to them. He is naturally inclined to take the part of Portugal against England in the African controversy. To judge of Portuguese rights requires, we fancy, a personal knowledge of the region in dispute. Few believe that the historical claims of Portugal have much foundation ; no one believes that they are justified by present facts. Of England generally, when he has occasion, Dr. Loring speaks kindly. Mr. Gladstone strikes him with admiration. But what did the English statesman mean when, speaking of America, he said that we are " astonished at her personal fortunes and amazed at her public finance " ? Had the pension-list then grown to close upon thirty million pounds ?