Russian Characteristics. By E. B. Lanin. (chapman And...
volume contains sundry papers which appeared lately in the Fortnightly Review. They aroused considerable difference of opinion at the time, a difference which we do not pretend......
The Ruin Of The Soudan.*
IT is a strange proof of the ceaseless and ever-growing hurry of events in our crowded age, that such an extraordinary and lamentable history as that which is brought before us......
History Of St. John The Baptist's Church, Chester. By The
Rev. S. Cooper Scott, M.A., Vicar. (Philipson and Golder, Chester.)— This is one of the most interesting books of the kind that have come in our way. It consists of lectures......
Current Literature.
Cardinal Newman as a Musician. By Edward Bellasis. (Began Paul and Co.)—Even to one who has but a very dim and distant conception of the science and art of music, this little......
These Volumes Represent Some Of The Results Of A Lifelong
labour. Mr. Jackson, of whom we would gladly have heard something, was a diligent contributor to the " Transactions " of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and......
Notable Generals. By Major S. Percy Groves. (griffith,...
Co.)—We have no objection to make to Major Groves's treat- ment of his subject, but rather to his choice of subjects. Marl- borough, Wellington, and Sir Ralph Abercromby we......