Playhouse Impressions. By A. B. Walkley. (t. Fisher...
Walkley's " impressions " are reprinted from two weekly and one evening paper. They show a great deal of honest and appreciative criticism of the more modern type, and are often......
Studies In Scottish History. By A. Taylor Innes. (hodder And
Stoughton.)—These studies are described by the author as " chiefly ecclesiastical ; " a reviewer may add that they are chiefly conceived in the interest of Disestablishment.......
A Year In Portugal. By George Burley Loring, M.d. (g.
P. Putnam's Sons.)—Dr. Loring spent a year as representative of the United States in Lisbon. He is a firm believer in the Consti- tution of his country, and views other......
The Old Halls, Manors, And Families Of Derbyshire. Vol. I.
By " J. T." (Simpkin and Marshall.)—This volume is devoted to the "High Peak Hundred," one of the six hundreds into which the county is divided, and still giving a name to the......
Old England. By "e. A. W." (w. Hunt And Co.)—in
these " Sketches from English History," "E. A. W." gives us a variety of scenes from pre-historic times down to the death of William IV. In describing the Ancient Britons as "......
England And Rome. By T. Dunbar Ingram, Ll.d. (longmans.) Dr.
Dunbar maintains that the English Church was virtually independent of Rome even in pre-Reformation days,—that is, was so normally, though there were times, as in the reigns of......
Out - Door Games. By G. Andrew Hutchinson. (religious...
a stout volume full of information about all the sports practised, and brought up to date. Golf, the latest craze —or shall we say enthusiasm ?—is not forgotten. Only a few -......
My Little Friends. By E. Heinrichs. (griffith, Farran,...
—This is a volume containing photographs of children, together with various sets of verses. Of the verse we cannot say much in praise. Some of the photographs are interesting ;......
These Volumes Represent Some Of The Results Of A Lifelong
labour. Mr. Jackson, of whom we would gladly have heard something, was a diligent contributor to the " Transactions " of the Cumberland and Westmoreland Antiquarian and......
Manual Of Theology. By Thomas B. Strong, M.a. (a. And
C. Black.)—This is a model of clear and precise expression. We may instance the admirable exposition of the doctrines of Deism, Pan- theism, Theism, and Trinitarianism (pp.......
History Of Art In Phrygia, Lydia, Caria, And Lycia. By
George Perrot and Charles Chipiez. (Chapman and Hall.)—This is one of the well-known series with which Messrs. Perrot and Chipiez have so greatly enlarged our knowledge of art,......
The Law In The Prophets. By Stanley Leathes, D.d. (eyre
and Spottiswoode.)—This is an argument on the conservative side in Biblical criticism. Dr. Leathes's object is to prove the antiquity of the Mosaic Law by the references that......
The Jockey Club And Its Founders. By Robert Black, M.a.
(Smith and Elder.)—Mr. Black reviews the past history of the Jockey Club, and gives an account of its present constitution and aims. His verdict is adverse : " They have done......