Popular Roses The Royal Parks are gardens as well as
sanctuaries. Queen Mary's rose-garden -at Regent's Park grows every way better and better. More commercial growers send- their roses and the arrangement improves. It may be called the most beautiful advertisement in the world. The garden was started six years ago by the Flower and Plant Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture, with the double view of providing Londoners with a beautiful spectacle and of adVertising the excelbrice, Or even sUPereitcellefice, of British-grown roses. The ComMinee has worked thoughtfully and ingeniouslY in many directions ; and its actiiities, have been much appreciated by the trade. The twenty thousand roses at Regent's Park. are perhaps the best witness. The catalogue. (which can- be obtained gratis either at the garden or by application to the Flower and Flints Ccimmittee, 68 Victoria Street, S.W. t) should be useful to aniateur gardenera of all sorts and help much to spread 'the cult of the British' rose. Some of the most popular roses at the moment are of the polyanthus tribe; 'and perhaPs- one Of the best, though not, I think, one of the bar known, is Coral Cluater: The CatalOgue is almost lyrical about Anne Poulsen, the latest of that admirable tribe and the deepest W. BEACH THOMAS.