16 JULY 1937, page 2

Congress In Office It Is Generally Recognised That The...

decision, at Wardha last week, to accept office under the new Constitution has created a new political position in India. Though the Work- ing Committee has asserted, and Mr.......

The Future Of The Supreme Court The Supreme Court Issue

in the United States is gradually becoming clearer. Discussion is bringing home to American opinion the essentially political character of the right exercised by the Court to......

Deadlock Over Austria The Austrian Chancellor Is A Man Of

courage. The sudden breakdown last Saturday of the German-Austrian conversa- tions in Vienna was almost as much of a surprise to the rest of the world as it seems to have been......

The Finances Of France M. Bonnet, The New Minister Of

Finance, has addressed himself courageously to the Sisyphean labour of balancing the French Budget. Short of a serious inroad into the fundamentals of Popular Front policy,......

The Greek Dictatorship The Publication In A Sunday...

a long inter- view with General Metaxas reminds us that it is nearly two years since Greece seceded, as a sequel to the Venizelist insurrection of March, 1935, from the ranks of......

The Socialist Front The International Situation No Doubt...

M. Blum to secure the remarkable vote of confidence which closed the French Socialist Party congress in the early hours of Wednes- day morning. Of the 5,000 or more members of......