Robinson Of England By John Drinkwater
John Drinkwater's last book (Methuen, 8s. 6d.) should please those young people who like facts served up with a mild flavouring of fiction, after the manner of The Swiss Family......
In Defence Of Capitalism By James H. R. Cronwell And
Hugo E. Czerwonky This work (Scribners, 12s. 6d.) is a lengthy exposition of a scheme to prevent depressions by a system of currency control. That achieved, certain gross abuses......
Current Literature
SIGNS AND TAVERNS ROUND ABOUT LONDON BRIDGE By Kenneth Rogers Dr. Rogers has long made a special study of the old London taverns and the tokens which they issued. To his mono-......
The Romance Of The Calendar By P. W; Wilson
Though experienced readers tend to dismiss books with such a title as likely to be romantic rather than useful, Mr. Wilson's volume (Allen and Unwin, los. '6d.) presents in a......