16 JULY 1937, Page 21


[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]

Sna,—The " short " which did not appeal to your Film Critic's taste in these matters ran to minutes, and not " close on half an hour " as stated by him, after his recent visit to the Berkeley Cinema. An error of judgement surely which not unreasonably must cause the average reader to question the stability of the rest of his criticism.

I am also certain that the directorate of the other well-known Foreign Film Theatre which he mentions by name in his notes must be feeling as displeased—as the directors of the Berkeley would be were the position reversed—at receiving publicity at the expense of the Berkeley.

Criticism by all means, but let us beg t3 differ as gentlemen.

—Yours truly, OSTROROG. Dean. House, Dean Street, London, W.I.