16 JULY 1937, Page 3

The World Church Congress The Archbishop of Canterbury's " Recall

to Religion," the church struggle in Germany, and the growing tendency of the Protestant churches to establish intercommunion lend a particularly topical interest to the great World Conference of the Churches, which opened at Oxford on Monday. Of the five main headings under which its programme is arranged, perhaps the most pressing is the last, the relations of a Universal Church to a world of nations. The oldest of all international organisations could, in many people's opinion, give a much clearer lead to Christians and non- Christians alike on the effectiveness of co-operation beyond the frontiers of the nation-state. Fortunately the Con- ference is truly international. The delegates, who number about Boo, are drawn from all the Christian Churches in the world, with the regrettable exception of the Church of Rome. A ban has also been placed on the attendance of the German delegation. Men of every race and colour are met together to discuss their faith in a manner reminiscent of the mediaeval Church Councils ; and it is to be hoped they will produce a statement, common to all lands, of the practical applications of Christianity.