16 JULY 1937, Page 38


The difficulties with which the Anglo-Spanish Construction Company has had to contend through defaults in regard to the sums due on the construction and working of the Santander- Mediterraneo Railway are well known, and it was no surprise when at last week's meeting of the company the Chairman, Mr. D. McAdam Eccles, had to explain the necessity for asking Debenture holders to agree to a further postponement of the redemption date until September 30th, 1939. It appears that the weekly payment due from the Spanish Government on the company's holding of gold bonds ceased after the. outbreak of hostilities. At the same time, Mr. Eccles expressed the belief that the company's interest in the railway, would become of real importance if a strong Government were set up in Spain, and he referred to the impossible wage demands and social legislation before the Civil War, and also to the regular and efficient administration of the railway since the area came under General Franco's Government. A. W. K.