" j AM afraid," said an Englishman to a Frenchman in 1 Paris last week, " that the Communist allies of your Socialist politicians will bring irretrievable ruin on your tottering financial structure." " Do not despair," said his interlocutor, " Le coeur de la France est aujourd'hui un peu a gauche, mais sa poche est bien a droite."
The same Englishman, at the Exhibition, was gazing at the monumental group which surmounts the lofty tower of the U.S.S.R. pavilion consisting of a man and woman striding forward, brandishing a hammer and sickle. " What does that portend ? " he inquired. " Un .pas de plus et—pouf," replied his friend. The hopeful spirit of complacent com- promise which underlies such phrases will last some months yet, and all of us who can should visit Paris and the Exhibition before going further afield.
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