15 JULY 1943, Page 13


Fivy instances the case of a typical doctor who. earns L1,5oo a year, but who has expenses of ,C500, so that his net income is only £1,000 a year. The following typical advertisements may help readers to judge for themselves how this sum compares with the earnings of the intellectual worker.

UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.—Temporary Assistant in the Depart- mtnt of English. Candidates must have an Honours Degree in English, and a knowledge of Old and Middle English is an essential qualification for the post. Salary £250 plus £20 war bonus.

(From that number of The Spectator in which appeared the original article on the Doctor's Pay.)

UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN.—Appointment of University Assistant in Physiology.—Applications are invited for the post of Assistant in the department of Physiology. Salary £250-k3oo according to qualifications.

(From Nature, 12/6/43) UNIVERSITY OF LONDON.—Applications are invited from men and women holding degrees in Physiology or Medicine for the post of demonstrator in the Physiology Department from October 1st, 1943, at an initial salary of £250 per annum with superannuation benefits and war allowance.

(From Nature, 26/6/43.)