A Commonwealth Of Peoples
SIR, —Mr. Ervine suggests " that this country should invite, say, Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium . . . to give us the right to defend them." United Kingdom Governments have......
A Hope To Die For
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Sut,—A short time ago there appeared in the Press extracts from a letter written, before leaving England, to his parents by a ydbng Englishman who was......
" . . . I Should Like You To Know
what it is I died for, and for that reason I am going to try to express my feelings and hopes. There is, I feel, both in England and America a tremendous surge of feeling, a......
The Unborn Millions
Snt,—I was grateful to Dr. Norman Maclean for his article on " The Unborn Millions." Since each of the correspondents in your issue of July 9th writes more or less in criticism......