15 JULY 1943, page 14

Lincoln At Gettysburg

Sm,—Major Sheppard is, of course, right in his statement about the text chosen by Mr. Sandburg. It is doubtless nearer than any other to the speech as delivered by the President......

Sir,—" Toad, M.d.," In Your Issue Of July 9th, Asks,

" Does ' Layman' realise how much of their income some doctors have to pay as interest on borrowed money to buy practices? " &c.. Supporters of the Beveridge Scheme do not......

Churchyard Yews

SIR, —Sir Beach Thomas's " Country Life " notes are always interesting, but they more often give information than arouse speculation. As one who has made a lifelong study of......


I don't agree with F. J. 0., I'll tell you why in " half a mo'," But I don't agree with F. J. 0., You can plan man. Religion's always doing that, And so is Science—nice and pat!......

Miss Sayers' English

SIR, —May I suggest that Mr. Scott-James is guilty of an ignoratio elenchi when he points out that Miss Sayers's " They are the stuff of which the Kingdom is made " is less......

Country Life - Harvest Began In Hertfordshire On July 4th

with the cutting of a field of winter oats ; and neither by its soil or climate is the shire earlier than others. Hampshire, Wiltshire and even Norfolk often anticipate it. On a......