On Tuesday the French Ministerial programme was read at the
sittings of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The statement began by urging that the Republican Party should show its magnanimity by supporting the proposal of a general amnesty for recent disturbances. The first question was the restoration of the equilibrium of the Budget, which would involve new taxes, including one on income. The Government would apply the Separation Law with firmness, and place public instruction on a democratic basis. The Government were in favour of some scheme of old-age pensions and an amended type of labour contract, as well as a measure to ameliorate the condition of the work- men in certain industries. They would also aim at the economic development of France's Colonial Empire, and the preservation of French foreign policy in its present satisfactory position. They announced the willingness of France to co-operate in any general reduction of military burdens which international opinion might decree. The programme is sane and moderate, but its moderation, com- bined with the attitude of M. Clemenceau, has sufficed to alienate the Socialists, who have hitherto formed the Left wing of the Government's supporters. M. Jaures and his friends have now practically gone into opposition.