On Tuesday The French Ministerial Programme Was Read At The
sittings of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies. The statement began by urging that the Republican Party should show its magnanimity by supporting the proposal of a general......
Ne Ws Of The Week.
T HE relations between the Goremykin Ministry and the Durna are still at a deadlock. Disturbances have broken out in many parts of the provinces, and the authorities are setting......
The Most Interesting Item In The Programme Is The Sketch
of next year's Budget, which contains the promise of an Income-tax. The scheme, which many Finance Ministers, including M. Rouvier and M. Doumer, have advocated, seems at last......
The Event Of The Week In Natal Has Been The
battle fought last Sunday morning, in which Colonel Mackenzie defeated a large force of Sigananda's men, killing over three hundred rebels and his chief induna, Meblokazulu.......
. 0 4 * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return...
any case,......
On Monday Count Goluchowski, The Austro-hungarian...
made his annual statement on foreign policy, addressed this year to the Hungarian Delegates, since the Delegations are sitting at Vienna. The speech was full of confidence and......