16 JUNE 1906, page 15

The Abyssinians, The Copts, And The Holy Places.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTAT010] Srn,—In the last four years there have been several Missions between the Court of Abyssinia and Constantinople. The Ottoman interests in......

The Baghdad Railway.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. " ] venture to think that it is absolutely fatuous to believe that the Germans are anxious to promote the Baghdad Railway solely for trade......

Exposed Through Faulty Inspection Of Meat In America,...

together with practically the whole Press, misses the great lesson these exposures should teach to put our own house in order. Speaking as one whose whole life has been......

The Feeding Of School-children.

[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—I heartily agree with your article on this subject (Spectator, May 26th), and perhaps I may be allowed to make a suggestion. That child......