16 JUNE 1917, Page 14


(To THE EDITOR OF Tat "SPECTATOR."' Sta,—May we call the attention of your readers to the fifteenth Vacation Term for Biblical Study, which will be held this year at Cambridge from July 28th to August 11th? The object of the term is to give to students of the Bible who feel the need• of more scientific and intelligent study a special opportunity of becoming acquainted with the results of modern Biblical scholarship and of receiving systematic instruction on academic lines. The scheme is on a Christian basis, and lecturers are invited without respect to their several denominations. The inaugural address -will be given by the Bishop of Ely:on " TheeResnrrection of Christ," and the following courses of lectures have been promised :—First week : " Jewish Apocalyptic Literature," by the Rev, Canon Kennett, D.D., Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge; and "Life after Death in the Old Testament and in Non-Canonical Jewish Literature," by the Rev. W. Emery Barnes, D.D., auleean Professor of Divinity, Cambridge. Second week: "The Apocalypse of St. John," by the Rev. C. Anderson Scott, D.D., Westminster College, Cambridge; and "Life after Death in the New Testa- ment," by the Rev. Darwell Stone, D.D., Principal of'Pusey House, Oxford. Single lectures have been promised by Mrs. Adam, Miss M. Carta Sturge, and Mr. Norman McLean, Christ's College, Cambridge. Hebrew and Greek Testament Readings will be held throughout the fortnight. The total cost to students, including lecture tickets, will not exceed t2 7s. fish a week.—We are; Sir, "IMPART BENSON (President of the Executive Committee). (Miss) E. LAWDER (Secretary), 2e Halifax Road, Cambridge.