16 JUNE 1917, page 2

The Whole Country Learned With Deep Satisfaction And...

Mr. C. J. Lew, Mr. Boner Law's son, who was believed to have died of wounds,-is a prisoner-with the Turks. The Turks- are said to be treating him well.......

The Weekly Return Of Lows From U'-boats Issued On Wednesday

night was a good deal less satisfactory than those of the preceding four weeks. Twenty-one vessels of over 1,600 tons were sunk, and nine of undez 1,600':ions. Buti.-thh'i total......

It Is Said That General Smuts Will Probably Join The

War Cabinet. We ,sincerely lope that he may be able to do so. His wide ex. perience of both military and ; political affairs, and his -fertility of ideas disciplined by a......

We Deeply Regret.ta Record The .death Of Major W. Redmond,.

who died from wounds received while he was leading .his_men.in the Mesaines Battle. The expressions of sorrow and the tributes of admiration which were) heard in the House of......

We Have A Great Deal Of Sympathy With The Seamen's

Union in their effort to prevent Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and Mr. Jowett from-sailing for Russia.. The general tone of the Leeds Confexe4do and the denial of a hearing to the......

We Admit. All This Without Reserve, Yet After Reading Mr.

Banal Law's frank statement in the. House. - on Monday we do not sea that -the Government .eould have acted-differently. At the-outset he made it clear that there was no......

Mr. Wilson Defines The Principles Of An Effective...

follows :— " No• people must - be forced under a soVerel,gtty under which - it does not wish to live. No territory-must-change hands except for the purpose of securing those......

King Constantine Of Greece Has Abdicated In Favour Of His

second . son, Prince Alexander. The Crown Prince was passed over, no- doubt, because he has the reputation of being a strong pro-German. The abdication was the immediate outcome......

Lord 'northcliffe's Appointment Has Been...

Tribune. A somewhat different tone is to - be found -in the-- New • -York Times, which - on Monday published the following -despatch- - from its Washington -correspondent:- "......

President Wilson's Message To Russia, The Text Of - Which...

published in Monday's papers, is a powerful and timely warning. He restates the position of America in the war with great clearness. " She seeks no material profit 'or......

That Government Had Deliberately Sent An Invitation,. Not...

Socialists alone,. but to the minority. Socialists as Well, - to - come. to Petrograd. - Oiir Ambassador in Petrograd,' though • at first opposed to the scheme, had, after......

These Terms Obviously Required The Abdication Of The...

was formally demanded by M. Jonnart, In an announcement of the abdication M. Zaimis said that the King, " solicitous as always solely for the interests of Greece, has decided to......

Mr. Balfour's Safe Return To England In Good Health And

the best of spirits is a matter for national satisfaction. He spoke of his magnikent reception in the United States, and by general consent he fully earned it. No one could have......