16 JUNE 1917, Page 2

That Government had deliberately sent an invitation,. not to-the majority

Socialists alone,. but to the minority. Socialists as Well,- to - come. to Petrograd. - Oiir Ambassador in Petrograd,' though • at first opposed to the scheme, had, after consultations - with the Russian _Foreign Minister and other members of • the Russian' Government, come strongly. to support • it. Finally, after con-- suiting Mr. Henderson, who was now in Petrograd, - Sir George.' Buchanan telegraphed that they were both strongly of opinion' that it would be a great mistake to refuse permission. " Not much harm need- be- antibipated from Mr. MacDonald's visit, Tile danger of seriously indisposing the Workmen's Council when fte-) relations with -the Government show diatinet signs. of improvement: is far greater than giving expression to Pacifieist views at this juncture." After Mr. Boner Law's convincing statement, Mine Terrell, who -had moved the adjournment -of the House- to calif attention to the question; withdrew - his motion, declaring -that the) telegrams which • had passed between the Government -and -our' Ambassador had- placed the matter in an entirely. different-light.