16 JUNE 1917, page 15

Bo Ok S.

A HISTORY OF SERBIA.* Tars history of Serbia is the work not only of a traveller but of a scholar. It is highly judicial in dealing with notoriously contro- versial subjects,......

A League Of Fellowship And The Christian Crusade.

[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR.'] Sue—You were-good enough to insert a letter of mine under part of the above heading about three months ago. It produced numerous replies from......


CAPTAIN PAUL JONES. CAP'N Pmn. JONES was a Britisher born; he hailed from the Solway shore, But he struck a snag with his folks at home, as many have done before; He shook the......

Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Ankles Are Signed With...

name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked " Coin muni. (aka," the Editor must not necessarily be Add to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the......