16 JUNE 1917, Page 2

We have a great deal of sympathy with the Seamen's

Union in their effort to prevent Mr. Ramsay MacDonald and Mr. Jowett from-sailing for Russia.. The general tone of the Leeds Confexe4do and the denial of a hearing to the representative of the Seamen's Union. when he demanded reparation ,for the widows and children,: of murdered seamen called for a vigorous protest. Moreover, Messrs.: MacDonald and Jowett are neither fish, flesh, nor good red-herring. They are not representatives of the Government or private indi- viduals.. and as Mr. Wardle, the iChairman of the .Laliont. Party, stated hr the House on Mctitclay, they were not going to Petrograd as representatives of the Labour movement in this country, or the Labour Party as a whole. - But we believe we are right in saying that they are Trade Unionists, andias such they-have been disownedt and condemned by a Union whose judgment carries peculiar weight.