16 JUNE 1917, Page 22

Getting Together. By Ian Hay. (Hodder and Stoughton. Is. net.)—In

these imaginary conversations between an Englishman and an American " Ian Hay " states frankly, and then dispels, some of the petty misunderstandings that have arisen since the war between the two countries. His brief account of tho voluntary help rendered by America to the Allies before she came into tho war will surprise many people. He warns us that it is better to rest our friendship on our common ideals of Christianity, liberty, and democracy than on the blood-relationship which irritates the many Americans of non-British origin. Ho warns us, too, that our possession of a common language is not wholly an advan- tage, because foolish words uttered in one country and telegraphed by unwise persons to the other country make mischief much more readily thari in the case of foreign Allies. His manly and sensible little book should do good.