16 JUNE 1917, Page 3

Sir George Cave having appealed to the House to come

to a decision on the question and insisted once more that the Govern- ment desired to leave the question to a free and unfettered House, and Sir John Simon having pointed out that another opportunity for discussing Proportional Representation might arise in Com- mittee on the Bill, a division was taken, with the result that .the amendment telling the Boundary Commission to act as if there were no Proportional Representation clause was carried by eight votes (149-141). On the whole, the result of the division cannot be called unsatisfactory. Indeed, we think advocates of Propor- tional Representation may regard it as a victory. It.appears to us that what they should now do is to take counsel with the advo- cates of Female Suffrage and link the two measures together, as un- questionably they ought to be linked.