16 JUNE 1917, Page 3

We are glad to see that the Food Controller has

made an urgent appeal to every householder in the country to reduce his consump- tion of bread, while at the- same time the public is reminded by constant advertisement in the Press and elsewhere of the need of eating less bread. Foolish or selfish people may sneer at these efforts, but we are convinced they are perfectly sound. The essen- tial thing is to produce an atmosphere literally saturated with the appeal to eat less bread. That appeal must be like the grief of Queen Constance—" lies in my bed, walks up and down with me." The Food Controller's notice to householders ends with an appeal to them to pledge themselves to respond to the King's appeal for economy and frugality, and to wear the purple ribbon as a token. Most sincerely do we hope that this clear call will be answered throughout the length and breadth of the land, and that all Britain will

Eat Eess Bread.