The Italians have shown once more the political sense which,
when pressed, they always display. They have answered Ricasoli's appeal by sending him up a clear working majority, which it is estimated will amount to at least one-third of the House. The Reds have suffered heavily, both Garibaldi and hdazzini have been rejected by several constituencies, and the Ministry has been re- turned entire. It seems to be understood that this result was due partly-to Ricasoli's Circular accepting the nationil decision on his Ecclesiastical Bill, partly to the pledges of Depretis, the Minister of Finance, who promises to make both ends meet by economies, and by the reorganization of the income-tax, which reaches too low, and is disgracefully jobbed in collection. Rattazzi, we per- ceive, hints that he shall support the Baron, and has emphatically' repudiated on behalf of his party the monstrous idea of repudiat- ing the Debt.