16 MARCH 1867, page 3

Professor Agassiz, Who Has Been Lecturing On The Zoology Of

South America in New York, says that the Amazon has not one fish in common with other fresh-water basins ; that in a little pool of a few hundred square yards he found 200......

There Is Some Hope That Dr. Livingstone Is Not Really

dead, or at least that the Johanna natives who said he was killed are not to be trusted. Sir Roderick Murchison, in a letter read at the Geographical Society on Monday, stated......

Mr. Ewart On Tuesday Introduced A Bill To Empower Students

who wish to attend the University lectures at Oxford and Cam- bridge to do so without becoming members of any college. The introduction of the Bill was not resisted, but Mr.......

The Judges Appointed To Consider The Plans For The New

National Gallery have unanimously decided "against recommending any design for adoption by Government." All are bad, though Mr. Edward Barry's "exhibits the greatest amount of......

In Consequence Of Purchases By The Government Broker For The

Reduction of the National Debt, the Consol Market at one period of the week was very firm, and a rise of about one-half per cent. took place in the quotations. The price for......

The Temporary- Home For Lost And Stray Dogs At Holloway

was wantonly and cruelly pointed out the other day by the Pall Mall Gazette as a proper object for the descent of the taxgatherer, with demands for 12s. for each canine inmate......

Lord Russell Has Been Much Abused For His Speech Last

Monday in the House of Lords, but when we once emerge from the sacred groves of historical reminiscences and the Chandos Clause, it was not such bad sense. He remarked that no......

The Island Of Mitylene Is Said To Have Been Ruined

by an earth- quake, which destroyed multitudes of its inhabitants, but no details have as yet reached England.......

Dr. Richardson Gave A Lecture On Wednesday At The Rooms

of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals on the means of producing insensibility to pain locally,—local anass- thesia,—inatead of generally by chloroform, by......

Friday', March 8. Friday, March 15.

MOXIOF17 Spanish Passive .. Do. Certillattes Turkish 6 per Cents., 1658 „ 1882 Unite 1 States 5.208 .. • • • • • • 171 221 141 551 551 741 • • • • .• • • 171 22 141 54 511 711......

Grest Eastern .. Great Northern

Griat Western.. .. •• Lancashire and Yorks'ihe London and Brighton Pricier, March 8. Friday, Marc`i I 5. 117 4 . 116 411 to list .. 124 77% x. d 71 Loudon aud North-W,atern 111......