16 MARCH 1867, Page 3

In consequence of purchases by the Government Broker for the

Reduction of the National Debt, the Consol Market at one period of the week was very firm, and a rise of about one-half per cent. took place in the quotations. The price for time bargains has been as high as 91i "buyers," but the closing rates yesterday were 91 to 91* for delivery, and 91* to 911 for account. Indian Securities have been in request, at an important advance in the quotations, the 5 per Cent. Stock having been done at 109i, and the Bonds at 42s. prem. Railway Shares—owing to the financial difficulties of several Companies—have been greatly depressed. Great Western Stock sold yesterday as low as 39/. The stock of bullion in the Bank of England is now 19,256,235/. —in the Bank of France, 30,207,000/. The official minimum rate of discount both in London and Paris is 3 per cent., and rules at a similar figure at Amsterdam and Berlin.