16 MARCH 1867, page 2

M. De Persigny Has Been Making A Great Speech About

Parlim- mentary liberty, the drift of which is, that in England Ministerial responsibility transfers power from statesmen to orators. A pop's- hr body is always compelled to......

Mr. Ewart On Tuesday Introduced A Bill To Empower Students

who wish to attend the University lectures at Oxford and Cam- bridge to do so without becoming members of any college. The introduction of the Bill was not resisted, but Mr.......

Lord Dalhousie Started A Debate In The Lords About The

Army Estimates, but he did not make much of it. His main point was that instead of giving men 2d. a day extra, "stoppages "should be stopped. Recruits are told by the......

The New Englanders Seem To Be In A Panic About

the Canadian Federation, which they. call a breach of the Monroe doctrine, as it will tend to establish a kingdom on the Northern frontier. They think that if Prince Alfred is......

Mr. T. B. Potter Has Taken Occasion To Republish Mr.

Cobden's letter to him of 22nd March, 1865, recommending the splitting up of constituencies in order to give minorities a chance. We discussed the plan last week, but we givi......

The Fenian Movement Makes No Progress. The Brotherhood'...

energy and no military skill, the weather has declared in favour of Queen Victoria, and the only insurgents in the field are hiding in the mountains, very cold, very hungry, and......

The North German Parliament Is Getting On Very Slowly, Each

" fraction " or party discussing the draft of the Constitution by itself. Count von Bismarck, however, in a succession of speeches, is making his policy clear. He wants to have......

Lord Shaftesbury Brought Forward His Bill For Prohibiting...

on Monday, in a very short speech. The Bill makes the 58th Canon a law, thus limiting English clergy- men to their surplices or University hoods and gowns, and finally......

The President Is Really Going To Execute The Act For

the mili- tary government of the South which he vetoed,—and so, no doubt, will avoid impeachment. He has appointed Generals. Schofield, Sickks, Ord, Thomas, and Sheridan to be......

Mr. Hardy's Bill For The Metropolitan Poor Went Safely...

Committee on Monday. The President of the Poor Law Board seems to understand what his colleagues do not—that Parliament despises " squeezable " Ministers, and stuck to his Bill......

The Republicans Have Carried Completely The New Hampshire...

a republican Governor and three republican Congressmen.......

The Text Of The Bill For The Reorganization Of The

French Army has been published. It does not differ greatly from the analysis already before the public. It catches as in a net all young men in France physically fit for......