The North German Parliament is getting on very slowly, each
" fraction " or party discussing the draft of the Constitution by itself. Count von Bismarck, however, in a succession of speeches, is making his policy clear. He wants to have the draft voted very much as it stands, because he says it gives-Germany sufficient authority without reducing the German Princes to English Peers, and' because if he can do without reducing them the South German Staties willcome in. Germany, " once placedin the saddle, is sure to have strength to ride," but, them ace dangers-ahead, and for the present, at least, the Government must have its military dictator- ship. It is too early to judge quite yet, but we suspect the Prus- sian Premier will, in the end, have his way, conceding only that the fixed military budget, which so annoys the Liberals, shall con- tinue for three years. That concession would get rid of the other difficulty, the limited power of Parliament, as the majority, once enabled to vote the military budget, could insist on concessions.