Sir Robert Peel on Thursday tried to object to the
selection of Lord Lyons as the British Representative. He made a wild and discursive speech, declaring that Lord Lyons did not know English opinion, and held private opinions opposed to those of the Government; and that Lord Derby ought to go, because Lord Beaconsfield would send him orders, and Lord Beaconsfield in this matter really represented the country. His speech was- intended to embarrass the moderate section of the Cabinet, and was described by Lord E. Fitzmaurice as the dying groan of the Turkophil party. He was followed by Lord It Montagu, who talked of the "criminal culpability" of the Government ; and by Sir 1). Wolff, who inveighed against Russian despotism, but found no moderate supporter, and was answered by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, in a quiet speech, in which he said that as to the Congress, England would not enter it unless Russia revealed her terms, so that Congress might decide what were or were not points to be discussed, and defended the- selection of Lord Lyons. Whoever went to Congress would have to represent the Cabinet, and not himself, or any particular- Minister. Lord Lyons would thoroughly understand that, and would represent the country with dignity, tact, and thorough knowledge. The only effect of the discussion was to weaken the hands of Government, by showing that part of its own supporters think it not anti-Russian enough.