Sir Robert Peel On Thursday Tried To Object To The
selection of Lord Lyons as the British Representative. He made a wild and discursive speech, declaring that Lord Lyons did not know English opinion, and held private opinions......
Of Course This Mock Apology Rendered It More Necessary Than
ever for Mr. Evelyn Ashley to bring on his motion expressing the " regret " of the House at the part taken by her Majesty's Ambas- sador at Constantinople in the Negroponte......
As The Electors Of Greenwich Have Already Begun Their...
for the next election, Mr. Gladstone has given them notice that though he has no intention of resigning his seat, so as to cause all the trouble of a bye-election, yet he feels......
Mr. Pease Moved On Wednesday The Second Reading Of His
Capital Punishment Abolition Bill, which was refused, by a majority of 199 (263 against 64), or more than four to one. The Attorney-General did not deny that some modifications......
Lord Robert Montagu In His Speech Gave Vent To A
feeling which is, we believe, very prevalent in this country, and may heavily weight the Greeks in their advance towards a reasonable amount of territory. He broke out furiously......
Lord Penzance, In Giving Judgment Last Saturday In...
in the case of " Combe v. Edwards," took occasion to deal with the false idea that a new and independent Court was created by the Public Worship Act for cases arising under it,......
On Tuesday—the Day Fixed For Mr. Evelyn Ashley's Motion On
the subject of Mr. Layard's improper action in the matter of the correspondence between Mr. Gladstone and M. Negroponte- appeared a fresh despatch of Mr. Layard's on the......