16 MARCH 1878, page 3

An Interesting Paper Was Read At The Last Meeting Of

the Royal Society on "Experimental Researches on the Temperature of the Head," in which the writer, Dr. Lombard, showed that mental activity will at once raise the temperature......

The Sum Of /7,000 Has Recently Been Left To The

London School of Medicine for Women by the late Mrs. Oakes, of Sydney, Australia. The success of the movement for the Medical Educa- tion of Women in this country may be......

The Archbishop Of York Moved Yesterday Week, In The House

of Lords, for an address to her Majesty praying her to issue a Royal Commission "to inquire into the law and existing prac- tice as to the patronage, sale, exchange and......

Yesterday Week, Also, Mr. Blennerhasset Made A Speech In The

House of Commons in favour of Mr. Hare's scheme for the representation of minorities, on behalf of which Mr. Courtney and others spoke very ably ; while Mr. Edward Jenkins......

The States Of New England Appear To Be Dissatisfied With

the award of the Fishery Commissioners, giving England a lump sum for the surrender of her exclusive claims to fishing on the Canadian codfish banks. They say their fishermen......

Lord Robert Montagu In His Speech Gave Vent To A

feeling which is, we believe, very prevalent in this country, and may heavily weight the Greeks in their advance towards a reasonable amount of territory. He broke out furiously......

Mn. Ponsonby Deserves Credit For His Public Spirit In...

ing Cirencester on behalf of the Liberals,. for he must have been well aware that there was hut little chance of his success. - There was no contest in 1874, and. even in 1868......

It Appears That The Recent Change Of Ministry At The

Cape was carried out by Sir Bartle Frere on grave constitutional grounds. The Premier, Mr. Molteno, demanded that Sir A. Cunynghame, though appointed to the chief command of all......

Consols Were On Friday 951 To 95i.
