The Native Literature of Bohemia in the Fourteenth Century. By
G. H. Wratislaw, MA. (Bell and Sons.)—These interesting lecture; delivered at Oxford, on the lichester Foundation, will be read -with much pleasure. Mr. Wratislaw has both the knowledge and the enthusiasm which qualify him for dealing with his subject,—a subject probably, as he complains, strange to most readers, but of -no email in- trinsic interest. Of such interest, St. Procop,-a holy man, who flourished about the beginning of the eleventh centa/7, is a good example. His life exists in a metrical chronicle, which dates probably from a period not much later. The Saint was a firm champion of Slavonian nation- ality and ecclesiastical independence against Teutonic and Roman invasion,—so firm, that after his death he hunted out some German monks, who had introduced themselves and their foreign ritual intothe monastery over which he had once presided.