Christopher Columbus: his own Boole of Privileges. Compiled and edited by Benjamin Franklin Stevens. (B. F. Stevens.)— This is "a photographic facsimile of the manuscript in the Archives of the Foreign Office at Paris," now for the first time published. The right-hand page of each opening is occupied by the photographic facsimile of the original. On the left hand we have the translation printed in black letter. This has been executed by Mr. George F. Barwick. Accompanying the transla- tion is the expanded text,—i.e., the text printed in italics, without the abbreviations of the original. Finally, we have a historical introduction by Mr. Henry Harrisse. By way of frontispiece, we have the arms of Columbus. Even the bag in which the discoverer transmitted his "Book of Privileges" to the Genoese Ambassador has been photographed. (It is now deposited in the City Hall of Genoa.) The paper has been made
in close imitation of that used at the time. The binding is of wood backed with leather, and clasped with miniature anchors and chains. We can do nothing more than express our admira- tion of the enterprise which has produced this mest curious and interesting memorial.